WHEREAS, NCDOT has plans to widen I-85 to an 8-lane interstate with a 46-foot wide median as part of its construction between NC Hwy 150 in Davidson County and Long Ferry Road in Rowan County (TIP I-2304A); and

WHEREAS, interchanges and adjoining roads will also be revised and at the Yadkin River itself, entirely new bridges will be built south of the existing bridge; and

WHEREAS, a number of historic resources will be adversely impacted by the proposed construction centered around a four mile length of the Yadkin River known as the Trading Ford Historic District; and

WHEREAS, known to be a part of this Trading Ford district are a prehistoric Native American archeological site, a Revolutionary War site where General Greene’s army foiled the pursuit of Lord Cornwallis at the ford, and a Civil War battle between Union Troops under General George Stoneman and Confederate defenders under General Zebulon York in 1865; and

WHEREAS, Davidson County and Rowan County have recently adopted MOU’s to pursue green-way development on both sides of the Yadkin River; and

WHEREAS, Davidson County and Rowan County have an interest in saving the historic Wil-Cox Bridge as a vital link in its green-way system to lure lucrative tourist dollars to the area; and

WHEREAS, the Rowan County Board of Commissioners recognizes the vital importance Interstate Highway 85 plays in the economic well being of the County,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Rowan County Board of Commissioners supports the efforts of the organized coalition to preserve the Historic Trading Ford District from further degradation and help seek a compromise with NCDOT to preserve the Trading Ford District and span the river with the Interstate Highway in a manner so that the area and its historic sites can remain eligible for the National Historic Register.

ADOPTED THIS 16th day of June, 2003.