WHEREAS, NCDOT has plans to widen I-85 to an 8-lane interstate
with a 46-foot wide median as part of its construction between
Hwy 150 in Davidson County and Long Ferry Road in Rowan County
(TIP I-2304A);
WHEREAS, interchanges and adjoining roads will also be revised
and at the Yadkin River itself, entirely new bridges will be
built south of the existing bridge;
WHEREAS, a number of historic resources will be adversely
impacted by the proposed construction centered around a four mile
length of the Yadkin River known as the Trading Ford Historic
WHEREAS, known to be a part of this Trading Ford district
are a
prehistoric Native American archeological site, a Revolutionary
War site where General Greene’s army foiled a pursuit of Lord
Cornwallis at the ford, and a Civil War skirmish between Union
Troops under General George Stoneman and Confederate defenders
under General Zebulon York in 1865;
WHEREAS, Davidson County and Rowan County have recently adopted
MOU’s to pursue green-way development on both sides of the Yadkin
WHEREAS, Davidson County and Rowan County have an interest
saving the historic Wil-Cox Bridge as a vital link in its green-
way system to lure lucrative tourist dollars to the area;
WHEREAS, the Davidson County Board of Commissioners recognizes
the vital importance Interstate Highway 85 plays in the economic
well being of the County;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; the Davidson County Board of
Commissioners supports the efforts of the organized coalition to
preserve the Historic Trading Ford District from further
degradation and help seek a compromise with NCDOT to preserve the
Trading Ford District and span the river with the Interstate
Highway in a manner so that the area can remain eligible for the
National Historic Register.
DULY ADOPTED THIS _____10TH______DAY OF__June___, 2003.
Stephen C. Holton
Fred C. Sink, Chairman
Davidson County Attorney
Davidson County Board of Commissioners