Race to the Dan

a selected bibliography

Rowan County

George Raynor, Piedmont Passages II: Patriots and Tories in Piedmont Carolina. Salisbury, NC, 1990

Rev. Jethro Rumple, A History of Rowan County NC. Baltimore: Regional Publishing Co., 1974 (orig. pub. 1881)

Davie County

Fred Hughes, Mapmaker, Davie County North Carolina Historical Documentation (map). The Custom House, 1977

James W. Wall, Davie County: A Brief History. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives and History, 1976

James W. Wall, History of Davie County in the Forks of the Yadkin. Davie County: Historical Publishing Association, 1969

Davie County Heritage 1997. Walsworth Publishing Co.

Leaders of the American Army in North Carolina

Elswyth Thane, Fighting Quaker. Amereon, Ltd., 2000

Don Higginbotham, Daniel Morgan: Revolutionary Rifleman. UNC Press, 1961

James S. Pula, Thaddeus Kosciuszko, The Purest Som of Liberty. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1999

Francis Casimir Kajencki, Thaddeus Kosciuszko, Military Engineer of the American Revolution, El Paso, Texas: Southwest Polonia Press, 1998

Chalmers Gaston Davidson, Piedmont Partisan: The Life and Times of Brigadier-General William Lee Davidson. Davidson College, Davidson, NC, 1951

Davie, William R., Revolutionary War Sketches of William R. Davie, Blackwell P. Robinson, Ed. Raleigh: NC Divison of Archives and History, 1976

William Graham, General Joseph Graham and his Papers on North Carolina Revolutionary History. Raleigh, 1904

Henry Lee, The Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas. Philadelphia: E. Littell, 1824

Leaders of the British Army in North Carolina

Daniel E. Harmon, Lord Cornwallis. Chelsea House Publishers, 2001

Banastre Tarleton, History of the Campaigns of Seventeen Eighty and Seventeen Eighty-One in the Southern Province of North America. Ayer Company Publishers, Inc., 1975 (orig. pub. 1787)

Prelude to Yorktown: Tarleton's Southside Raid. E & H Publishing Co., Inc., 2002.

The Revolutionary War in North Carolina

Lawrence E. Babits & Joshua B. Howard, Long, Obstinate, and Bloody - The Battle of Guilford Courthouse.  Chapel Hill: UNC Press, 2009

John Buchanan, The Road to Guilford Courthouse. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997

Burke Davis, The Cowpens-Guilford Courthouse Campaign. J. B. Lippincott Co.

Hugh F. Rankin, Greene and Cornwallis: The Campaign in the Carolinas. Raleigh: NC Divison of Archives & History, 1976

Phillips Russell, North Carolina in the Revolutionary War. Charlotte, NC: Heritage Printers, Inc. 1965

David Schenck, North Carolina, 1780-1781: Being a History of the Invasion of the Carolinas by the British Army under Lord Cornwallis in 1780-1781. Raleigh: Edwards & Broughton, 1890

The Struggle for Independence in North Carolina    

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